LEVIATANO is the incredibly drinkable PetNat by Cantina Martinelli. A summer Pet Nat par excellence where you allways need a 2nd bottle ready in the fridge.
The 12% alcohol is not noticeable and that makes it "dangerously drinkable".
A natural sparkling wine made using the Ancestral PatNat Method. In the 2019 vintage is a Curvé from Garganega with Durella. Fermented in the bottle, here you can feel the power of a Garganega and the acidic spike of the Durella complemented by a small percentage of macerated Garganega for texture and complexity.
LEVIATANO is dedicated to the great mythological monster because of its monstrous drinkability.
Vino Frizzante / PetNat
Grapes: Garganega directly pressed & macerated + Durella Ancestral method
Plant: Veronese pergola
Planting year: before 1975
Yield per hectare: 70/80 quintals
3000 bottles 0.75 lt. 100 magnum 1.5 lt
Exposure: South-East
Altitude: 300 m asl
Soil: Volcanic, basaltic
Vinification: Native yeasts, unclarified, unfiltered
Total SO2: less than 10mg/It